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  1. 210k for blastoise
  2. @Pasokoss you won the auction for 25m you can pm me in game to trade of let me know here when you are on
  3. Start offer: 25m Min bid: 500k Insta: no Duration: end 72 hours after first bid. Accepted Payments : •Coin Capsule : 420k/ea •IV Reroll : 480k/ea With summer nature reroll this treecko can be godly pvp
  4. .
  5. start haxorus
  6. i mean the min bid which is 50k thats why i didnt mention amount. So 600k btw the guy above me wrote "room 550k" if he doesnt mean rotom my offer is 550k then
  7. raise rotom
  8. Raise hp water bulba, raise swablu
  9. raise bulba
  10. gengar 12k
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