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  1. Hello @Dkhoi3005 Thank you for your report and sorry for any inconveniences you might have experienced regarding the Issue. The shown behaviour is currently intended. The reason for that is, that both Ursaringa and Ursaluna learn fire punch only by tm in generation 9. However, since we use the National Dex format, all move tutors from previous gens are still available. Since Ursaring can learn fire punch in older generations by move tutor, you get the interaction from the first picture you posted. Ursaluna was released in gen 9, where a lot of move tutors got replaced by tms. So Ursaluna was never legal with fire punch learned by a move tutor. Thats why you get the interaction in the second picture. Also fire punch is no level up move from Ursaring, so you cant learn it from the pre-evo tutor. The result is, that Ursaluna is currently unable to learn fire punch, only its pre-evolution can. The relevant staff members already know about the issue, but I can't give any information about when this issue will be solved. So please be patient. I hope that answers your question. If you have any questions or encounter a bug, feel free to let us know! Greetings, PartyExpShare
  2. Hello @Megadialga, Thank you very much for the report and sorry for any inconvenience you might experienced. I checked the the entire evolution family and it seems that not only Hydreigon, but also Deino and Zweilous have the same incorrect color in their follower sprite. I have forwarded the Issue to the responsible dev. Thank you very much for reporting the issue. If you find any issue in the future feel free to post it here on forum or discord, so that we can take care of it. Greetings, PartyExpShare
  3. Hello @Demenelizator, Thank you very much for your report and sorry for any inconvenience you've experienced. I tested both of your Issues: 1: I was not able to reproduce this behaviour with the given information. Then i checked your replay and assume, that you used a move with a negative priority (Your Exploud has such a move). Since Quick Claw triggered, you would go firts in your Priority Bracket. But since you most likely used a move with negative priority, the effect of quick claw would not make you faster than Blastoise, since your priority still is negative, while Blastoise priority is 0. This behaviour is intended. I tested it in Showdown and it had the same behaviour: If you want to look deeper into it, feel free to look on the Bulbapedia page for priorities. 2: I tested Poison fang many times and it had around 30% chance to inflict badly poisoning. As you mentioned, this behaviour is indeed incorrect. I have forwarded the Issue to the responsible dev and it will be fixed soon. Thank you for reporting these bugs! If you find a bug in the future feel free to post it here on Forum or Discord, so we can take care of it. Greetings, PartyExpShare
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