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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Shop updated: -All prices reduced -Added Pokemons
  2. Shop Updated! -Added 2 Clefairy Valentine -Reduced All the prices
  3. Welcome to coin capsule = 450k IVs RR = 500k Nature RR = 250k rare candy = 5k Normal Variant Shop Avaiable Too! <- GO TAKE A LOOK! Special Forms - Work in progress
  4. Added: -Pink Doduo -Pink Farigiraf -Shiny Doduo -Xmas Crobat -Ursaring Fully Trained -3 Mawile Untrained
  5. Xmas Buneary, Noivern, Shiny Magcargo and Xmas tentacruel SOLD.
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