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Everything posted by Leonidascsneto

  1. What time can we meet?
  2. Okay, I didn't know that was a rule, sorry. I'll take a screenshot and post it from now on.
  3. HW Bisharp Clothes is Solded, Sorry.
  4. I'm constantly trying to add you to the game, but you're never online, once you were online and you didn't accept me, is there a specific time when we can arrange to join the game?
  5. I would like to buy those elf ears. [EARS: ELF FOREST]
  6. I would like to know what the standard price is for [Forest ELF Ears]
  7. @Jianychta Congratulations! Bold Summer Horsea 50k! Ada Hallowen Pochyena 50k! Add-me ingame for trade.
  8. It would be cool to post images, I don't even know what these items look like...
  9. Ok, I didn't know, it could be.
  10. Start Amaura, Larvesta e Deino, 15k
  11. @Nubfreak Congratulations! HW Gastly Sold! 50k Add-me ingame for trade.
  12. @T1nkat0n Can we make the exchange now?
  13. @Eva21 Would you like to schedule a time for both of us to come in and make the exchange?
  14. @Eva21 Congratulations! Paras Sold! 50k Add-me ingame for trade.
  15. @T1nkat0n Congratulations! Parasect Sold! 50k Add-me ingame for trade
  16. @Xaro0o Congratulations! Slakoth Sold! 80k Add-me ingame for trade
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