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  1. IGN: Nullthevoid Discord ID: angeldemonic (Null the void in the PRO discord) Nationality: British Expectations joining us: fun loving community of people What are you looking for in our guild: XP boost, help in taking the steps to learn PvP for the first time Favorite Pokémon: Darkrai Why should we consider recruiting you? Because i am funny and despite having less than 200 hours ill try my hardest to help others and help them strive for greater heights and im also honest and ill dedicate time to farming if someone is looking for specific pokes PvE, PvP or both? Let us know what you like: PvE but want to get into PvP just need guiding Enter your Trainer Card with a screenshot:
  2. IGN: Nullthevoid Hours: 96 Fav Genereration: Gen 3 Interests: PvP and PvE Event: Halloween Dungeon Experience: None Yet PvP Rating: None
  3. IGN: Nullthevoid Discord Name: angeldemonic Playtime: 96 Hours Hobbies: Warframe, Minecraft, Terraria and Pokémon that's about it
  4. IGN: Nullthevoid Hours Played: 96 Favorite Pokémon: Darkrai Country: England Age: 25 Server: Gold
  5. Looking for a guild on gold server, i have never touched PvP in a pokemon game however i am rather eager to learn!. played pixlemon, pokeone and a bit of pokemmo IGN: Nullthevoid Language: English Age:25
  6. IGN: Nullthevoid Playtime: 64 Hours and still going Fav Pokemon: Zoroark or Alolan Ninetails PvE or PvP: PvE but interested in learning and getting into PvP
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