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  1. d
  2. Can close thanks to everyone
  3. auction of gible won ! pmme in game!
  4. scyther win from Cvkrzyk pm me ingame
  5. 15min dealyed from now ! auction for gible end at 15:28! auction of scyther end at 15:28
  6. scyther 300k from mrrockall
  7. If win must transfer in silver, this Is silver selling area. @Rabina
  8. gible end 15/02 15:15 gmt+2 scyther end 15/02 15:15 gmt+2 GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
  9. NOT A BUNDLE! -gible start 500 k -scyther start 200 k Min raise 100 k Min raise 50 k 48 hours auctions after first bid for each mon When do an offer write price and name of poke, thanks reminder = this is not a bundle, each mons will be sold seperately
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