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Everything posted by Streiben

  1. I really like that idea. A shop ingame, maybe, where you can increase the rate by %? (Let's say, the guild starts without any %, but can increase when the member pay for it, for a maximum of 10% Exp for example) This way, we could earn those perks.
  2. Can't wait to cros your path. Good luck on your journey, and if you ever need something, just ask ingame. My name there is "Streiben". :Angel:
  3. Everyone is so social around here, it's wonderful to be a part of the community. ♥
  4. I never said that... -_- *sigh* Stop quoting me. Just.- go away.
  5. I'm honored, thank you for the warm welcome :Smile:
  6. Hallööööö Gilde! Ich bin Streiben (Das ist eben so, ich hab meinen realen Namen nie benutzt, lange Geschichte) und würde liebend gern eurer Gemeinschaft beitreten. Ich bin zwar schon 27 Jahre alt, liebe aber dennoch Pokemon seit der roten und blauen Edition, und besaß soweit jede Edition mindestens 1x. Ich bin sehr sehr sehr hilfsbereit, und kenne eigentlich alles in jeder Region in und auswendig, wo was liegt etc. und das für jede Gen x) Ich würde mich wirklich freuen, wenn ich euch beitreten dürfte. Falls ihr noch Fragen habt, immer raus damit, ich werde mich bemühen, sie zu beantworten. :Grin: Hoffe auf alstbalde Rückmeldung eurerseits - Streiben ♪
  7. As i said, "my personal opinion" is that a OPTIONAL fullscreen wouldn't hurt. I'm sure i'm not the ONLY player, who'd like to see that. No reason to discuss against it, that's pointless. You have your personal preferations, i have mine. :Angel:
  8. The game indeed is impressive, isn't it? I'm glad i stumbled over it at Youtube, hope you'll find a shiny one day on your adventure :3 See you in Kanto thehe~
  9. Graceful? That is always a good character, thehe ♪ Hope we meet one day ingame. I'd love to trade some graceful Pokemon with you ♪ :Smile:
  10. A fullscreen for our pokemon-batles :) The screen appears a bit small for the battles, in my opinion. It would feel way better, if we could increase the scale of the screen by our own taste and prefers. That's already it, the game is amazing. Love and hugs, Streiben :Heart:
  11. Hello, my name is Streiben. I have long, blonde hairs, and soft, emeraldgreen eyes. I have a fáble for graceful Pokemon like Milotic and Frosdedje, Glaceon, and Faerie-Pokemon. If our ways ever cross, be sure that i will greet you with a warm and welcoming smile. Pokemonstats aren't important for me, i still yet prefer Pokemon with a nice personality. For now, i have to go, my destiny as the most graceful Trainer is waiting for me. Farewell, until we've met us in this beautiful world of wonders. Streiben~ ♪
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