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Laudam last won the day on March 2

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. @Kimew please, can you cancel the punishement, it was not a false bid, jesusv10000 is actually online right now and he wants to do the trade, he just needed a little time to get back home. This was not necesary , it could actually cost me my trade. I really thank you for your attention and devotion into your work but he actually really wanned to do this trade. Kindly, Laudam
  2. just waiting for jesusv10000 to log in game, i'll provide evidence as soon as the trade is made, Thank you for the reminder
  3. without any surprise, the winner is : JESUSV10000 !!!! thank you so much
  4. Hi everyone ! let's start this auction on vday mudkip it is actually playable, at least for story Starting price : 1m Min bid : 100k Insta 3.5m cc accepted : 450k you have 48h after first bidding I wish you a happy vday bedding
  5. Hi everyone ! I have the great pleasure to propose to you this super rare Dragon Ball Z pvp mount : The Hoverpod You'll appreciate the design wich is reaaally cool, the confy sit and the sunroof during hot summer day ! don't get me started on the vocal command, i mean, wow Starting Price : 7m Min.Bid : 100k Insta : 9m cc accepted with a value of 450k as payment You have 3h after the first bid, If someone bids on the last minute, we would had 15minutes to the timer
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