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Posts posted by Aeonesca

    • Shokugeki no soma
      Rokka -Braves of the Six Flowers-
      Actually, I Am
      Himouto! Umaru-chan :Heart:
      My Wife is the Student Council President
      MY love STORY!!


    annnnnd since all the season animes are finishing up I decided to finally finish Akame ga Kill!

  1. 37735 DPC Watchdog Violation Is not the clients Fault its a hardware incompatibility issue with Windows 10 Which means you need to update drivers on your PC because your hardware drives are not meant for windows 10. The Hardware that is making you have this issue is Normally with users using an SSD But a common issue is within your Power options, uncheck Turn on Fast Startup within your Power options. BUT The Client can be causing this error. Only some Windows 10 users have this issue so it is a high chance its on your side.

    I just tried turning this power option off and I am currently able to play PRO, I recommend trying this if you are having the same issue because this seems to have worked for me. Thank you iTzXeno!

  2. I am having the same issue, I've tried a couple of different things, but nothings helps. On one attempt I was able to get into the game and log in, but as soon as I was able to see my character standing in Viridian Forest it froze completely. I am not able to close PRO down of even click on anything, i can bring the Task Manager up but am unable to click an application to close. I guess on the bright side of this problem is that it is a known issue for a large number of people so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

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