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Everything posted by Mafi

  1. @stereotypical @ZeRaTitO @Erasumi I'll be sending your discord invites out now. Please @ an online officer once you've joined to receive your ingame invite, when you're ready.
  2. @Razorx Discord is our main source of communication. If you could make one and PM me the username or edit it into your response that would be wonderful. (:
  3. @Champ5328 Hello and thank you for taking an interest in the guild! I'll be sending your discord invite right away. c: Once you've joined please @ me or an online officer for your ingame invite! EDIT: It's saying that your discord username is invalid so I'll be sending the invite through PM on the forum. ^^ @Mathilde We would love to have you and if you're able to make a discord that would be wonderful! If it isn't too much trouble, that is. c: We communicate in discord more then we do our guild chat so it's very helpful to have for interacting with everyone. c:
  4. Giving the thread a little bump with an.. EXAMPLE UPDATE: <3
  5. @ItsLethal I'll be sending your discord invite out right away. c:
  6. @n01ne @ShoaibanwarX Hello, I noticed that you either left your 'Have you through roughly read the first post of this thread?:' blank or replied 'no'. Please read through all of the information on the first post of this thread and like this post once you have done so. @Vharxa @9kyll9 Hello and thank you for taking an interest in our guild! I'll be sending your discord invites right away!
  7. @NostalgicTrainr I'll be sending your discord invite right away. c:
  8. [uSER=1332815]@Reconnecting[/uSER] You're welcome! ^^ I'm glad you like it!
  9. EXAMPLE UPDATE: @Fjabio @captainwestenra Made the graphics in my Recruiting post and I wrote the text it out. (: She has an amazing shop! You should check it out.
  10. @Watachy We would love to have you! c: I'll send your discord invite right away.
  11. [uSER=1332815]@Reconnecting[/uSER] I tried my best. Definitely let me know if you want to change anything/try anything different.
  12. @oplistopis Hi! We would love to have you in the guild. (: I'll send your discord invite right away.
  13. [uSER=1332815]@Reconnecting[/uSER] Sounds great. ^^ Added you~!
  14. [uSER=1332815]@Reconnecting[/uSER] If you could send me the image on discord, that would be awesome! Thank you. (: My username is; Mafi#7044
  15. EXAMPLE UPDATE: (Gotta show those Pinkan Island pokes some love. ^^)
  16. Just giving this a little bump.
  17. Ohh I love your artwork so much! <3 I'm very excited to see more! It's gorgeous and you definitely have some real talent! Keep up the amazing work! I'll be lurking around waiting for your next post.
  18. @Tatsumiii The foreground you posted was coming out blotchy when I tried to cut it out so I grabbed the next closest thing I could find. Is this okay? If you'd like me to try it again with the foreground you posted I'm more then happy to do so! ^^ [img=https://i.imgur.com/zJGA4pe.gif]
  19. @envymeister Aww, I’m glad you like it! You’re welcome! ^^
  20. @envymeister Ohh I love the new userbar! I'm glad you were able to get one, it's gorgeous! ^^ I hope you don't mind that I went ahead and made these anyways to get the added practice for myself. c:
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