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Lostrelic's Achievements



  1. Re: Tenshi's Sock Drawer (Updated with All Prices!) <t>Shroomish 100k :P</t>
  2. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>i have played 300 hours. <br/> i am i huge fan of pokemon for, as long as i can remember, i enjoy catching and training strong pokemon for pvp.<br/> yes i am on daily.<br/> yes i can visit discord. what i look for in a guild is a group of players who under th value of catching and training and battling pokemon, also players who are will to share information to help each other.<br/> in-game name: lostrelic</t>
  3. in game name lostrelic bages 16 hours played 276 time zone ECT
  4. in game name lostrelic hours played 276 time zone ECT
  5. IGN: keemo360 Hours played:168 Activity:around 4 or more hours a day Badge: 16 Favorite pokemon: Gengar I enjoying catching an selling pokemons
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