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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. 1m to start auction for 24 hour insta:3m min raise:200k good luck
  2. give us some informations about yourself: ● What's your Name/IGN? strawhat ● How old are you? 24 ● Are you active in Discord? Yes ● Where are you from? Jordan ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 828 hours / 4 hours per day ● What's your goal in PRO? To be the best pvp player ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? well i think this guild is the best in both server's combined and be part of it is what everyone want ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Torkal because i love turtles and a lave turtle looks so cool ● What's your favorite animal and why? Turtles why? Its just adorable Best regards Strawhat I hope i will be one of your nakama sayonara..
  3. 3 hours left
  4. 220k by errors1
  5. 200k by angelababy 7 hour left
  6. update i change the of auction for 8 hours
  7. 150k by nohandlebars 23 hours left
  8. auction has start 100k by errors1 insta price : 800k 23 hors left
  9. accept: pokes, bms ,ms ,cc 100k to start auction for 8 hours insta price: 800k
  10. accept: pokes , bms ,ms ,cc 500k to start auction for 24 hours insta price:2,5m
  11. RULES: -NO FAKE OFFERS -U CANT WITHDRAW YOUR OFFERS -U CAN OFFER IN GAME CURRANCY ACCEPTED: -POKEMONS -MS=200K -BMS=150K -CC=350K >>Its a new shop so i will not have many pokes in it , hope in the future will be one of the best with your support POKEMON TO SELL: THANK YOU FOR VISITING
  12. i have galaxy s4 5.1 and the game doesn't work
  13. good for u :y:
  14. lol did u saw better than mine?
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