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  1. Well, for one spot, how about an HM Slave? That simply makes life easier while playing - A Zigzagzoon works well, but there are others. Final spot? Anything. The four pokes you already have could actually finish the whole thing with no other help. You could grab one of your favorites - don't have any favorites? How about a Sneasel in Johto Safari, or wait until Blackthorn City, and grab a Dragonair, or use the Shelgon (that you can trade a Dragonair for).
  2. The advice someone gave you to level all of these to 85 is sound, and if you do, you will not need a Gyarados. However, for just a little oomph, I would take one of these pokes (your favorite) and level it all the way to 100. Since your pokes are all max evolved, it will get very slow to level them once you get past 90, so just go as high as you can with one poke and then use rare candies to push it all the way to 100. If you have not been actively looking for rare candies, you should at least have about 7 of them (and if you have been looking for them, you should have over 20). I see your messages are quite a bit old now, maybe you've already beaten the E4 at this writing!! If not, just grind out those last levels and do it!!!!
  3. It's not Mac related, as I get this on the PC. Really annoying, as it usually happens when I am farming for a while looking for a specific poke, like say...Dratini. One finally shows and then the screen freezes. I do hope the programmers will look into this. I have discovered a work-around for you: If you are doing as I do, and move/run continually looking for a poke, that if early on in your farming session, hit the items button (no matter what poke is up), and let it load, then it seems to pop up instantly thereafter. So when that Dratini finally does show its face, you won't have a freeze screen to stare at, wondering if you're going to lose your catch. I only have a small sample of experience on this thus far, but so far that has worked out for me....
  4. LOL!! Don't bring either hitmonlee or golem -- your current team of 5 will wipe out Johto E4 easy :-)
  5. Here is my unwanted, yet you asked for it, advice: You started on Blue, so just hang out there for fun, but don't get all intense or anything. Then....wait for a fourth server to be added....and get in on the "Ground Floor" of that server and switch to it on Day 1.
  6. Well, I can confirm they appear in other places around Kanto. Because I got one and only had 4 badges at the time. Unfortunately I am not more use to you, because I do not remember where I got it! Probably by digging....
  7. Got two Metal Coats out of the cracks on Route 3 (just before Mt. Moon). Dusk Stones, got about five of these from cracks in Mt. Moon.
  8. I had the same dilemma, not being on MS until later on. Pretty much, I decided to buy the bike the very moment I got 75k. Very happy I did it - there always seems to be something to use your PokeDollars on, and you will never be able to justify the 75k cost. Just bite the bullet and get the bike now, you'll be happy you did :-)
  9. I will echo Verdy's suggestion, that Seafoam B4F is the very best for Kanto level grinding. If you can find the one particular island down there, there is a Healer right there on the island, so you can spend all your PPs and then heal up immediately and continue on. And you will build up a lot of PokeDollars quickly as well....
  10. 1. Agree with OP, however, it is not a big deal, and sounds tricky to fix, so I'm for leaving it the way it is. 2. This one I totally agree with the OP. This problem is immersion-breaking. Instead of watching the "news feed" for the description of the battle, my eyes are on the left corner of the screen waiting to see if the experience bar jumps, which makes the news feed a waste of time, as I already know what happened. I actually put this as a high priority for extra enjoyment of the game. 3. Disagree with OP. Text is fine!
  11. First in PRO was a Pidgy with horrible stats. Played with it on my team for a while just because it was shiny. Two days ago, got a shiny Grimer. Neutral nature and pretty good IVs. I'll just sit this one in storage.
  12. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <r><QUOTE author="leandruskis"><s> </e></QUOTE> Can I get a confirm on the Surfing in Safari Exclusive during Morning (4am to 10am) for Dratini? I've been through apx. 200 encounters with no Dratini sighting. Is it maybe at a different time? Or is the percent chance just so low, that I have to keep trying?</r>
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