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Posts posted by Hangather

  1. Hello there

    I fully raised my Furret (all the way from Sentret) as a Baton Passer role for story-mode team, but when I checked on the Move Relearner NPC, Coil wasn't among the list of learnable moves. I would really appreciate if you add it, as it's extremely necessary for my Furret's current move pool.

    Thanks in advance

  2. I tried again while I was downloading CCleaner and my client didn't show the "cannot connect to destination host" messege anymore; it patched normally and logged in successfully.

    I'm not sure what solved the problem but thanks a lot for the solution suggested, I'll try that in case of any other similar problem. And thanks for the quick answer!


    Have a wonderful day

  3. I'm having the same error messege, but it's preventing my client from updating or loggin in at all.


    It was running normally until two days ago. Tried downloading client zip folder and extracting files again but it didn't work and now it's stuck in a previous version of the client


    Also grateful for help

  4. Trainer: Hangather

    Server: Silver

    My haunter at 2nd spot is stuck


    Thanks in advance


    I've moved the pokemon to your PC, should be in the last slots. Sorry for the inconvenience and wish you a wonderful day. -Shinohara
  5. I've found it confusing how to optimize my chat too. Here's how I deal with it as for now: I continuously leave and rejoin channels according to what subjects I want to keep track of, using the Local channel for the reading. When I want to write something, i go to the desired channel, send the message and go back to Local to continue reading. As example, I sometimes activate the channel from my country, sometimes the Help channel (when I have some spare time to answer questions from players or when I get my own questions), I personally don't get into trade chat often and sometimes I stick with only the All chat. The downside is that you can't read anything that has been sad before you rejoin a channel. Anyway, as the way the chat is designed right now it's important for you to manage the priority of what you want to read. Also, make use of the color system.


    Regardless of the advices I gave you, this is indeed a good suggestion. It would be awesome to have more tools on optimizing the in-game chat to suit your needs. Thank you for your post and I hope mine has helped.

  6. 152672 The addition of some other channels could alleviate the issue too, such as a rate channel since that seems one of the biggest causes.


    I totally agree with you in this part. Ratings take over main channels like "all" and "help" and I have seen many players diverge regarding where it should be posted. In this scenario newcomers get even more confused than experienced PRO players on where to get advices on this. Naming a channel as "Rating" should add clarity to this matter; it will create a place where it's easy to get the hints you're looking for and also a place for players willing to test/practice their mechanics knowledge by advising other trainers; and it should alliviate the flood of messages from the others channels as it is the main issue right now. Rating is an important function in a pokemon MMO and I am very open-minded to more discussions on it. Thanks for the post!

  7. 152006 tldr: 100% sturdy pokemon gets 1hko'd by giga drain/mega drain/absorb, everytime.

    I was about to report this issue too. I leveled my Paras from lvl 66 to lvl 100 in Victory Road's Gravaler/Onix and NONE resisted one-hit knock-outs from Mega drain, but they resisted other moves in about the right ratio for sturdy spawn. Anyway, I'm saying this only to support your information. Thanks :Grin:

  8. 151922 The trouble is, you can use this att without using any move before that.

    That's a known issue, as you can find in this topic created by the GM: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15351. It's updated nonstop so that every subsequent correction/new bug gets registered, but this topic only focuses on bugs inside battle. That's as far as I can inform you, because only staff members could say something about the estimated time of correction and so on. Hope it has helped you.

  9. 151914 no name... no dmg, no acc, no description... thats it... plz add this info

    These appears when you first click the move you want to know about. The button to confirm your choice appears this way too, so you won't spend any pokedollar until you confirm your choice, after reading all these informations. Hope it has helped you :Smile:

  10. Hello, developers.

    I've experienced a bug from my Stantler's ability sap sipper. When I switched into a grass-typed move it rendered the move ineffective as normal, but on subsequent attacks it deals damage and/or applies effects from the move. It happened every time I tested it, so I made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQqQKN7lAPg.

    Also, I've switched into mega drain, leech seed and seed bomb so far and mega drain was the only from these three that activated the boost on attack from sap sipper.

    Hope this was post was useful,


  11. 151303 Explosion never gave or will give exp.


    Actually, exp isn't awarded whenever both pokemon die. It will also happen when the attacking pokemon dies from recoil damage, for example. It's no particularity of the explosion move.

    Also, If your pokemon resists the explosion damage, you will get exp as normal.

  12. Is this what you're talking about? (sorry the non-english language, but my computer is from Brazil so... :Crazy: )



    I just faced the same warning, but when I clicked "more informations" I was able to execute the program by click on the new button that appeared:



    After that my antivirus tried blocking its execution and I had to manually order it to let it execute. Even so, my antivirus tried blocking the game's access to internet when I was logging into the game and I had to manually order it to allow the game to use the internet. Now I'm online :Grin:


    Hope it has helped :Shy:

  13. 144837 When you go to a market and want to buy 50 Pokéballs (for example) you now have to click 50 times to reach that amount. Personally I find this pretty annoying and I doubt I am the only one. Being able to just enter the amount of items you want, would be heavenly!


    I spare me a few clicks by selecting 10 pokéball and buying 5 times (for example), since the counter doesn't reset after you buy it :Crazy: But that suggetiong is more than valid :y:

  14. 148767 In PRO, role play only copy ability to your pokemon, not replace ability of wild pokemon also. As a result, I don't see any bug in here?


    That explains it. I was assuming it would replace the ability of the wild pokemon at least for the duration of the battle, so I could steal even from a muk that spawned with sticky hold. Since it's meant to work this way in this game, it is no bug. Thanks for the quick answer and useful informations, since I'll use that move approprietely from now on :thanks:

  15. Hello, I've read some other issues about the move role play but it appears to be working in most cases. I don't know the exact circumstances for the bug to occur, but I want to report as it happened to me:

    1. I confirmed with frisk ability that the pokemon was holding the item I wanted to farm;

    2. Switched into a role play pokemon to be sure the target wouldn't have sticky hold (it was a grimer/muk)

    3. Switched into a thief pokemon to steal the item.

    Even so, the pokemon died, still holding the item and I couldn't get it this way.


    Here the video I made about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_S67twbEKY. In addition, the muks that has been showed to have stench ability by role play awarded me the item as normal when I used thief move, so I think the problem is about not being able to keep the change on the sticky hold ability between the turn in which role play took effect and the turn in which thief was used (maybe because of the switch?). Are there other abilities that change back in between turns as if role play wasn't even used?


    Thanks for the attention

  16. You can still modify the key bindings from the options menu. It's just bind another key for the interact command and then bind the space key for the bar# (same number the mount occupies in the action bar) command, as a secondary key. It might have effects that you might not want though, like actions taken in battle when you press space. As for now, you can't have the same key for interact and bar items usage, but this feature gives you more option. You can also just try binding a key that is near the space for the mount command.

  17. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New]


    <r>I've found a great spot HP training that worked very well for myself. It's on route 14 at night, in which the only abundant pokemons are Noctowl and Quagsire, both awarding 2 EV point upon each faint. You can easily max out that stat in one night in-game or even less if you one-hit knock-out them. There's also the <U><s></s>chance<e></e></U> to encouter <U><s></s>Chanseys<e></e></U> <E>:devil:</E> and there's a zinc hidden in the flowers at the top right corner of the grass hahahahah<br/>

    Also, thank you for the guide <E>:y:</E></r>

  18. Hello, a experienced a bug earlier today. While I was moving around on Mt. Moon B2F pokémons did not show up for quite some time. I tried moving between maps to see if it could solve it somehow, but the stairs didn't activate. Strange enough, my internet connection was fine and I was able to see players moving near me and chatting on the channels. That's when the system message "You're now AFK!" showed up and every time I've searched in the pokédex or sent a message it worked and I moved out from AFK status. It was as if I could do everething but moving, even though my client showed the movement animations. So, I had to relog and wait in queue, which solved the problem.

    I want to now if this has already been reported and if it would be useful for the development team, since it's currently a BETA. Another information that might be useful is that I had just challenged trainers for battle before it bugged.


    I made a quick video for those interested on this bug, but I can't post the link here since I'm new member.


    Thanks for your attention.



    EDIT: Now I can post it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6n1xWmrrPk

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