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Everything posted by Dlowe1229

  1. I Think this game would blow up if it steam if that could happen tons of people would find this game I didn't even know about this game until my friend found it looking for a pokemon game to play and this one is by far the best ive ever seen
  2. For a pokemon game I thought it would be horrible but this game really surprised me with how sharp it looks and it only at .94 keep it up with this game will go along way for older people and younger people
  3. one of the upsides to this game is the mods and the cc and gm they are so helpful to helping your game run smooth and always someone on if you have any problems running the game
  4. Where people from both servers can enter and have a massive Pokémon blood bath the victor should get stuff like mounts money and what ever else anyone could think of
  5. I think introduceing a lifetime Member ship would be great for people instead of 5 dollars a month make it like 60 dollars for a whole year that way people wouldent have to strain with always putting in the credit cards or paypal info just think this would help people in the long run for people that want to be yealy members
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