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Everything posted by Mhikzu

  1. They still don't let me go to the trainer valley. I think that this happen because when i was fighting red the server crashed, so it does not count as win or loss, it simply don't work. any idea how to fix this?
  2. The problem is that the server crashed when i was fighting him like one month ago, now i got the requirement for the love island but still can't go to trainer valley
  3. So i can't go to trainer valley?
  4. bump.
  5. Can some content Scripter help me?
  6. Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <t>Sgath and Keres - 29k, Facade TM X2, Skrelp</t>
  7. Thank you.
  8. PRO Username: Mhikzu Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Like one month ago or more i just lost the fight versus Red at Mt. Silver, he is still not spawning. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Almost everything. Someone said that a GM can fix it while i am online. So i just made this ticket. Description and Message Looking for help to respawn Red boss at top of Mt. Silver.
  9. Updated
  10. Re: WTB Abra/Eevee <t>Updated</t>
  11. Re: WTB Abra/Eevee/Scyther <t>Updated</t>
  12. Re: Aarathen's Mart (17 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (New Poke Comming Soon) <t>300k kingdra</t>
  13. retiring my offer. i just caught a better one.
  14. how much time left?
  15. 250k for the charmander.
  16. Re: Trigga's Treasures "Epic Weavile" <t>Adamant charizard 300k</t>
  17. Re: Aarathen's Mart (21 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (9 New) <t>Kingdra 120k</t>
  18. Re: Epic swift swim horsea <t>if still selling horsea 50k</t>
  19. Re: Swagrotta's Personal Shop (updated) <t>Scizor 150k</t>
  20. IVs good or epic EVs untouched Eevee Nature: Timid Send me a PM. :thanks:
  21. Re: McR1P's Epic 100's <t>170k Dragonite</t>
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