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Everything posted by Jackbd

  1. Come Join Us! Search on the Forums for JJRsquad (With capital JJR) Use the template to apply and we will review your application :)
  2. Come Join Us! Search on the Forums for JJRsquad (With capital JJR) Use the template to apply and we will review your application :)
  3. Come Join Us! Search on the Forums for JJRsquad (With capital JJR) Use the template to apply and we will review your application :)
  4. Come join us! - search on the forums for JJRsquad with capital JJR and use template then we will review your application
  5. Bump ^^^
  6. Welcome to the Guild! check your messages for invite to the discord
  7. Just use the template and post as a reply and we will get back to you as soon as possible
  8. [glow=red] [/glow]
  9. Where is ash on route 9 after i defeat him in viridian forest?
  10. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r><QUOTE author="Raich"><s> </e></QUOTE> Accepted! Welcome to the guild mate!! I will send you a pm with infos in a bit!<e> </e></QUOTE> Awesome! Thanks :D</r>
  11. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>Would Love to get in the Blue server guild :D<br/> 1. How many hours of game-play do you have?: I currently have 40 hours of game-play.<br/> <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.: My name is Jack and im 15 years old. I am a fun kind person to be around and i love all pokemon games. I recently bought membership for myself and also (Just because im a nice guy :p) bought my friend one as he cant get any money in his bank. Anyway enough about what i have done and more about what im going to do. i will bring a friendly environment to the guild and i will also enjoy being around new faces.<br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?: Yes i am always on Discord anyway talking to my friends whilst playing PRO. <br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?: Yes i am on everyday and plan to be for a very long time.<br/> <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?: I look for a nice friendly guild. They must take the game seriously but can also have a laugh when necessary. They must be helpful and answer any question roaming around in the guild and most important they MUST be fun to play with otherwise there is no point in playing if you are not having fun with the game<br/> <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?: I am more of a PVE Player. I prefer to avoid player battles as much as possible and only engage in them when having fun with friends. Also i don't mind going up against people in a tournament at least then i know i can try my best but overall i prefer PVE<br/> <br/> Thanks for taking the time to read this</t>
  12. I feel there should be a youtube sub forum where people can share videos with eachother and talk about the latest youtube news. it will help people in growing their channels
  13. I'm no expert but it also may come down to your computer not being able to handle it.
  14. Is this guild still Recruiting?
  15. Jackbd

    Team Magma

    What server?
  16. Thanks!
  17. Hello i am a new-ish player and i am new to the forums, so i thought i would make a little introduction to tell you about myself and hopefully make some new friends! Name: JackBD Age: 15 About Myself: I have only recently gotten into pokemon as i never used to watch it when i was younger, the reason i started getting into it was because my best friend was playing this game and i decided to download it and try it for myself. To my suprise i found that i really enjoyed the game and then went on to watch all the episodes in the Pokemon indigo league and also met some really friendly people in the game aswell. If you see me around dont feel afraid to say hi! :thanks:
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