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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. my store item, my pokemons with good ivs, which cost me a lot of hours...
  2. I come back after a while, and I see that there is no server network, and my account also my items bought my pokemons everything I had after more than 2k hours, what happened
  3. Update added natures + balance
  4. if soon I'll add when have a little time :Grin:
  5. sorry, had to put this bug in general
  6. this is normal?
  7. Update, added enhancers Objects in Spanish (Actualización, añadido potenciadores objetos en español) main post link.
  8. Este proyecto lo hice para ayudar a la mayoria de los nuevos jugadores en español, para q puedan tener todo en un solo lugar como una aplicacion, muestro lo que lleva el proyecto aun no llevo ni un 5 % del proyecto I did this project to help the majority of new players in spanish, for q can have everything in one place a small application, I show leading the project... Estado del proyecto(Project status): [glow=red]Pokedex = 1 %[/glow] Evs: [glow=red]1ra Generacion(1st generation) = 100% 2da Generacion(2nd Generation) = 0% 3ra Generacion(3rd Generation) = 0%[/glow] Nature: [glow=red]naturalezas (nature) = 100% balance = 100%[/glow] Objetos(Items) [glow=red]Potenciadores(enhancers) = 90%[/glow] Imagenes(Images): Menu: Pokedex: no disponible (not available). Evs : Objetos(items) Naturaleza(Nature): balance statistics Link : All in just one small application of pokemon revolution.
  9. I also need the 5th! if anyone knows, let him say...
  10. I can not enter, and the page says online.
  11. wtb= means that you purchase wts= Means That You sell
  12. updates the page until you see online
  13. quiet friend, there is now a system that is better than expected,no spam loguin :)
  14. pvp clothes are available?
  15. I had not presented me, although I have several months playing, I'm Venezuelan and I hope we get along
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