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About Tarlochan5268

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Game is good....But some Staff memebers and GM r lame people here...They wont help u ...Just make excuses...pretend to help but never Refund anything.... :Angry:
  2. Re: Epic Magikarp Adamant/Perfect iv <t>It can be sold for maximum 250k because it has Low speed ivs need 28+ speed ..and need moxie abilty also</t>
  3. Re: Epic Magikarp Adamant/Perfect iv <t>Lol insta haha</t>
  4. Welll i even saw many people complaining about Force close even with 2 Gb ram or even more.....So tell u guys truth Ram isnt an issue.....Its the android client that force closes even in high spec phones
  5. Well U gotta accept it u guys ruined Android version with new update......before i played Pro on my device and now after new update it force close.......My phone has 1gb and i could play all previous version of Pro....This new update ruined everthing and That Queue system is bad too.....
  6. Re: Totodile Hidden Ability Adamant 4*30 <t>300k</t>
  7. Yes Staff Spawn it i think....
  8. Lv1 Shiny Feebas how is that even possible
  9. I know This bug happening not only with this NPC but with alll the New NPC that This version update has included....many users get stuck when they battle the new NPC which were not there in previous version of PRO
  10. My favourite Pokemon is PorygonZ .....I wish U Release Porygon Z soon Fast.....Before i Quit The Game.... I will be very happy to see a porygonZ ingame.... :thanks:
  11. I have Porygon2 and was wondering if their was even Dubius disc item ingame???...if anyone have it please Tell me... :thanks:
  12. I have a porygon2 i would like to evolve it....i hope someone sell me Dubius disc ..... I wonder if is Dubius Disc even ingame??? :thanks:
  13. Naruto become super saiyan ...And Madara become Kid Buu and they fight and fight and fight and fight .... :Crazy:
  14. Re: Allesshop (ONGOING AUCTION Bagon) <r>Well whatever ...If u wanna sell than pm me.... <E>:y:</E> Just a bit less patient thats all....Than atleast put a insta</r>
  15. Re: Allesshop (ONGOING AUCTION Bagon) <r>Than Remove my BO if u wont sell me ... <E>:Angry:</E> Dont Troll People with my BO now.....U just Remove my Bo.....Fake selller.... <E>:Angry:</E></r>
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