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Everything posted by Emmagurd

  1. Hi, friend! Enjoy your time at PRO :D
  2. Hi there, friend! Hope you enjoy PRO, and I hope to see you around! :D
  3. Okay, that's great and all... but then implement something to stop people from being inclined to do it?
  4. Hi guys, forgive me if this is in the wrong section. It's the first post I've made since joining. Another player just requested to battle me. I accepted, as I normally do. Now, the other player made one move against my lowest level Pokémon, and then instantly logged out once (I'm assuming) he saw that my next Pokémon was higher level and stronger against his. This caused me to HAVE to log out to get out of the PVP battle screen, and now I'm having to do the usual constant trying to log back in because the server is full. My suggestion is this - you're already unable to run from trainer and PVP battles, but what about making it so that you CAN'T log out of or close the client once a trainer/PVP battle has started? You know, if a player closes their client because they don't think they're going to win a battle, it's unfair to the other player that then has to also close their client when they were happily playing, and wanted to continue playing. Even if this isn't possible... make it so a player can be reported and given a warning for it? I'm not sure what else could be done, but I imagine a lot of players are exploiting this just so they don't have a loss on their Trainer Cards, and essentially ruining the game for the other person who has been forced to close their client. :thanks:
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