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Everything posted by Seniorquaza

  1. Yea no breeding would suck :/ but its something I can work around .
  2. Check out this link its helpful :) Smogon Breeding Guide
  3. Welcome I am new myself . Am definitely looking to have fun with this game. It has already treated me well :) I also do twitch, but I usually stream Pokemon Trading Card Game :) I have followed you . I hope to see you around !
  4. I understand many are 30+ . I actually have many friends who play this game who are around that age bracket. As far as twitch and youtube that is actually true. I forget about that. Though updating social media could be something, that could possibly be improved. Like I said nothing is really wrong with this game at all . Its actually really smooth these were just little things. I understand what you're saying and to sort of alter this suggestion. . I think they need to work on communicating information to players better. I've been here for about little over a week and in my opinion there is not that much information communicated between staff and players. That actually is better worded, and I do agree. Communication with almost anything is very important.
  5. They appear to have different spawns between different rods. I also noticed that when I got the old rod. If you google the spawns per region it will tell you what area spawns what depending on type of encounter.
  6. There are a number of players who actively stream on twitch. If you want notifications of when they are streaming make sure when you follow them make sure to accept notifications of when they go live. Youtube videos are similar to twitch streams. You can activate notifications for youtube channels that are actively uploading videos about the game. There has been a pvp tournament going on for a while now on the RED server and has 3 more rounds till its completed and done. As for the other social media updates that is something the staff can look into or if Shane wants to do them or not. Since this is fan based game created by fans for fans to enjoy and relive some of our younger years "yes some of us are 30+ and playing". I understand many are 30+ . I actually have many friends who play this game who are around that age bracket. As far as twitch and youtube that is actually true. I forget about that. Though updating social media could be something, that could possibly be improved. Like I said nothing is really wrong with this game at all . Its actually really smooth these were just little things.
  7. How many badges do you have ? If you dont mind me asking ^.^
  8. Hello, First this game is amazingly made. I currently do not have any issues with the game for now. The only thing I feel would be helpful if twitter, and facebook were updated with what is going on. I as a play like being informed; if a server is down, whats new for the game, upcoming tournaments, possible media that we can watch ex. Youtube Videos, Twitch Streams. I just feel it would be nice to be generally informed of these types of things.
  9. Nice :) I am still working on actually beating the game :) A guild could make the game more fun though :)
  10. It sucks that they dont have anything other than mew, but I understand why they did that :) When I used to own a Pixelmon server I did the same thing to retain their value :)
  11. Hello Apollo, I am new aswell . I dont exactly have a guild , but do have a good group of friends who play this game. We all just started as well. This game was very well made. Sadly I am on blue though :( , but I do hope to run into you sometime :) .
  12. Hello All, I am Senior Quaza , I would like to introduce myself. I am a 20 yr old Pokemon Fan. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Silver, which the next game I got after that was blue version. I was always very addicted to anything Pokemon. I play the Pokemon TCG, and Other Pokemon Related game. I used to be a server owner for a Pixelmon Server ( A mod for Minecraft) . After that I became part of their staff, as a forum moderator. Due to me joining the military I had to give up that position. I found that fine because I was happy with the work I did with them while I was there . If you are interested in talking sometime please follow me on twitter, or I am usually hanging out in blue. I enjoy meeting other people who also share a love for Pokemon. Thank You, SeniorQuaza
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