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Posts posted by Destofworlds

  1. This topic came up not too long ago so I will say here what I said there as well.


    I think the price of MS on the servers is a non-issue. Firstly, membership is a non-intrusive micro-transaction, this means that not having the MS does not prevent you from playing the game and enjoying it. Therefore the MS is not essential to the game, no one "needs" an MS they only "want" an MS. To me 350k+ is unreasonable for an MS and therefore I would not buy it. However some people do think it is reasonable and so those people do buy them. If I wanted to sell a piece of furniture for $200 and someone was willing to pay $200, why would I ever sell it to anyone for less than that $200. The price of any commodity in a free market is determined by how much someone will pay for said commodity. If some people are willing to pay 500k for an MS medallion then people will sell them for 500k. Anyone who sells it for less than the market value is either generous or stupid. This is also why the so called "fake bidders" are a non-issue; if someone ups the bid and then does not pay that price and no one else will either, the seller has no choice but to either not sell the product or restart the bidding at a lower price. This means that the problem lies not with "fake bidders" but with the people willing to outbid the "fake bidders". If no one will buy the product at a high value then eventually the value will drop to meet demand.


    TL;DR - If you don't want to pay what you consider an unreasonable amount for something, don't pay it, and don't complain.



    Addendum- It is also important to note that in-game currency is exactly that, a currency. In the case of PRO the value of the in-game currency is weighed against a constant outside currency, which for all intents and purposes is $5 (the price of a MS medallion). Due to the nature of currency the value fluctuates and may inflate or deflate. A month ago $5 was equivalent to 120k, now it is equivalent to 350k+. That is just how currency works (albeit in a very simplified form).

  2. 186766 What's you in game name? toykiller

    How old are you? 22

    How many hours played do you have?~plus 20 hours

    How many hours a day do you play? around 2-4 hours

    Do you know what Ivs & Evs are? yes

    Do you think you have general knowledge of PRO? I think so with the help of YouTube and google

    Have you played any other pokemon MMO games before? no

    If you have any ability that can help us inside of the clan please let us know? I'm a good problem solver and able to come up with solutions


    Sorry Toykiller, but at this point in time we are only accepting players with 70+ hours in game. If you would like to reapply, at such a time as when you have fulfilled this requirement, we at the Origins Guild would be happy to consider your application. Until then, may the best of luck be with you on your Pokémon adventure!

  3. I think the price of MS on the servers is a non-issue. Firstly membership is a non-intrusive micro-transaction, this means that not having the MS does not prevent you from playing the game and enjoying it. Therefore the MS is not essential to the game, no one "needs" an MS they only "want" an MS. To me 500k is unreasonable for an MS and therefore I would not buy it. However some people do think it is reasonable and so those people do buy them. If I wanted to sell a piece of furniture for $200 and someone was willing to pay $200, why would I ever sell it to anyone for less than that $200. The price of any commodity in a free market is determined by how much someone will pay for said commodity. If some people are willing to pay 500k for an MS medallion then people will sell them for 500k. Anyone who sells it for less than the market value is either generous or stupid. This is also why the so called "fake bidders" are a non-issue; if someone ups the bid and then does not pay that price and no one else will either, the seller has no choice but to either not sell the product or restart the bidding at a lower price. This means that the problem lies not with "fake bidders" but with the people willing to outbid the "fake bidders". If no one will buy the product at a high value then eventually the value will drop to meet demand.


    TL;DR - If you don't want to pay what you consider an unreasonable amount for something, don't pay it, and don't complain.



    Addendum- It is also important to note that in-game currency is exactly that, a currency. In the case of PRO the value of the in-game currency is weighed against a constant outside currency, which for all intents and purposes is $5 (the price of a MS medallion). Due to the nature of currency the value fluctuates and may inflate or deflate. A few weeks ago $5 was equivalent to 120k, now it is equivalent to 500k. That is just how currency works (albeit in a very simplified form).

  4. ~What's you in game name?


    ~How old are you?


    ~How many hours played do you have?

    65+ hours

    ~How many hours a day do you play?

    Generally between one to five hours, but sometimes more.

    ~Do you know what IV's & EV's are?


    Individual Values (IV's) are innate stat values in each Pokémon affecting that stat during the course of leveling that Pokémon. Effort Values (EV's) are stats bonuses that affect stats at level up, Effort Values are gained by battling different Pokémon and each Pokémon gives off a specific EV when you battle it.


    ~Do you think you have general knowledge of PRO?

    <COLOR color="#0000BF">Yes

    ~Have you played any other Pokémon MMO games before? (Please DON'T mention names)


    ~If you have any ability that can help us inside of the clan please let us know.

    Having played every main series Pokémon game and a number of the spin-offs, I have a decent amount of accrued Pokémon knowledge that I am willing to share with almost anyone willing to listen.

  5. This is my list of things that I do not really like in PRO, there is one major one and a few minor ones. However I don't want to just say I don't like something without a reason why and a way (if I have an idea of how) to improve said disliked things. I would also like to say that I thoroughly enjoy PRO, and that I want to see it become the best it can possibly be. So without further ado, my list of things I don't like in PRO (man I really need to work on a better title).


    • The Writing
      My biggest issue with PRO is the writing. Now I grant you that perhaps it is less important than implementing a new region or new mechanics, but bad writing can be a put-off even when mechanics and content are otherwise solid. This is not to say all the writing is bad, in fact most of it is perfectly fine, but some of the major quest dialogue is just simply hard to get through. This was highlighted for me today as I was doing the Rocket quest in Goldenrod. There weren't any misspellings, grammatically incorrect sentences, there wasn't even any incorrect word usage. The dialogue was simply awkward and that made it hard to sit through. Phrases you would never hear in everyday speech such as; "He usually delivers a drink at this juncture" or "while maintaining the inequity of my job", and many more from your own and other characters. While this is not game breaking or anything of the like it certainly hampers my enjoyment of the game. While not pressing perhaps some revisions should be considered for some of the dialogue.
    • Map Transitions
      Everything else after the writing is mostly minor nitpicking over small annoyances, and holding down forward into a transition and not continuing after said transition is the biggest minor annoyance. When walking into a Pokémon Center you immediately stop upon entering the door instead of continuing forward (like I said, minor annoyances). I do not know if this is due to some limitation of the program or if it is even possible to fix, but it sure as heck messes with my flow and if there is a way to fix it, I would be that much happier.
    • The Day/Night Cycle
      I am not a huge fan of the amount of time it takes for a full day/night cycle, I personally think it is way too long. Especially considering queue times and somewhat frequent disconnects it can be incredibly frustrating when you finally get on to look for a Pokémon that only appears during the day to have to wait hours to look for it. I would much prefer a shorter day/night cycle.
    • Level ??
      I have looked on the forums for an answer to why gymleader's Pokémon and some other characters Pokémon are Level ?? and haven't found an answer, maybe I'm just blind. Is there a reason for it that I don't know about? What I do know is that it annoys the heck out of me not to be able to have some target number to match when facing off against a gym leader after a good trouncing the first time through.


    TL;DR Despite the few annoyances I have, I really do love PRO and have sunk waaaay too much time into it so far and plan to continue doing so. Over all it is a great experience and I would love to see it get even better.

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