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  1. Re: [PC] Epic Marill <t>I bid 300k</t>
  2. I have the same exact problem :(
  3. Thank you Pretencious :-)
  4. PRO Username: Kogashuko Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Tried to test, but didn't find a solution to my question Description and Message I have a question about Synchronize ability in PRO We know that if you have a pokémon with this ability then you have a 50% chance to catch a wild pokémon with same nature than your pokémon with syncro. My question is: can I start wild battle with another pokémon and let my syncro pokémon stay on slot 2~6 ?
  5. Hey guys! So... I heard you wanna buy some good pokes? Welcome to Kogashuko MART! First off, this is on BLUE SERVER! To buy any of those just PM me in-game (Kogashuko/Deathweavern) or reply this topic, so we can trade INSTA BUYS: (price below picture) POKEGODS: (offer a price, bid for everyone starting on 100K)
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