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  1. i want to buy a murkrow in johto, please contact me with price. IGN: Hepi
  2. thanks you
  3. i want to know what are the benefits cuz i did not find it in any topic ._.
  4. did you beat blaine with that team ? D:
  5. hello, i would like to buy the hitmonlee, can you add me in game?, my nick is Hepi
  6. Hepi


    the GMs did not say anything about why is it down or something ? :(
  7. Oh hello :o I don't sorry, but I have two elect which are really bad nature/ivs; I could give you one free if you like? hmm is not necessary, thanks :)
  8. do you have any electabuzz for sale ?
  9. im looking for a decent electabuzz, just post screenshot of which one you have and price please :)
  10. Hepi

    Server slots

    oooh thanks :)
  11. Is there something we can do to have more slots for people, whenever i want to play, the server is full :(
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