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Mistermaek's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. all the noobs just disconect before the battle end and we dont get any pvp coins
  2. It looks like you don't earn any coins if your opponent disconnects from battle. Can someone confirm this? There seems to be a delay regarding the awarding of points, so it may just be that. I haven't laddered enough yet, but it seems you can refresh your coins instantly upon relogging. if the delay is more than 2 hours probably
  3. ~ Moved to proper forum ~ proper forum the one that no one goes to..
  5. yea guys praise the team pokemon they gave points only to top 25 the others got zero hurray
  6. Shane said it can take sometime until it updates your score. It looks like you don't earn any coins if your opponent disconnects from battle. thats unfair
  7. pvp coins some time bug and dont give in victory 1 per win
  8. i tottaly agree with this pvp coins and pvp cloaks mounts must be absolutely untradeable
  9. what about blue server i dont see him anywhere Because he has a lot of hours on red? He plays mostly on red. Just like I've never seen you on yellow before. There's multiple servers bro. The top 25 is different on each server, and all the different servers share the forums. thanks for the info bro i didnt know that
  10. a shiny arceus xD
  11. Futz is a pretty high ranked player in the top 25 on the red server..... what about blue server i dont see him anywhere
  12. im pretty sure the one who did this post dont even have 250 rating so he is jealous that the other players with higher elo than him will get the pvp clothes
  13. they add the legendary mounts for top players so i think they did great job to add the armors with 250 coins per part because im not sure if many players have higher than 300 rating
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