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About Gessa21

  • Birthday 01/01/1994

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Gessa21's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. it's all good, chat is running good, nothing bad on my connection o.o
  2. hello, i've some trouble here i dont know it's bug or not.. i set stealth rock at battle, and my opponent sent out blaziken and died because of stealth rock.. after that i cannot click anything and the time bar at upper right of the battle box said please wait.. and it happen until now idk what i have to do.. and if i disconnect from these i will lose and cannot pvp until 45 mins from now.. anyone can help me with this problem ? thanks in advance
  3. any Staff / GM can help me ? i got stuck on Loading Map. i've tried restarting Client, Restarting my PC. not worked IGN : Gessa21 Blue Server...
  4. 600k for it
  5. i found it by my own. thanks guys :D
  6. +1 i feel the same for this idea.
  7. Re: *~ Dacius Daycare~* [Active!] <r>this isss supperrbbbb Daycare indeed <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> really fast! he trained my 2 pokes lest than 1 day include lvling and ev! and very friendly people~<br/> with very reasonable price too~<br/> he's my laziness savior <E>:y:</E></r>
  8. SAME AS ME, AND I LOST MY PIPLUP :(((((((((((((((( * i feel you bro... hope this game get better everyday :Frown:
  9. 3.1m for me. IGN Gessa21
  10. agreed. big thanks for PRO's Teamm! hoennnnnnnnnnnn hypeeeeeeee :Heart: :Heart: :Heart:
  11. nice attitude! keep it up! may God bless you :Heart:
  12. i got it in game. thankyou :D
  13. hello, currently i am searching for Winter Set honestly i want any color of it, but i prefer grey one. if anybody willing to sell it you can leave your name in game, send me PM or simply you can add me in game. i will pay it very well. :y: IGN : Gessa21
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