Oh really...? I think it would be more realistic. I would love for it to happen. It would be fair. I mean you could always set up rules for the breeding right? It was a big part in my Pokemon history.... I am sure maybe you guys could come up with something? Please?
I would love to be able to breed in pokemon because the breeding in the pokemon games was one of my major things I would love to do. I love making more pokemon and giving them to people and such. <3
I feel like we should be able to fly throughout the regions so we don't have to walk everywhere. I wasn't sure on why we couldn't but it would be great if we could!! :thanks:
I don't know if we already can, but I feel as if we should be able to capture legendaries in the game with any pokeball. It would be more realistic. :y:
Heya, I was just wondering if there was any point in time you could enter the S.S. Anne again. I would like to know because I want to go on there to 100% explore it. Thanks. :Shy: