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Everything posted by Shero

  1. Re: WTB Magikarp/Adamant epic <t>nah been offered more</t>
  2. Re: Shiny Pikachu x2 <t>take a look in my shiny shop and pick what you want for the jolly one</t>
  3. Re: WTB Magikarp Jolly nature 31 spd IV at least. <t>i have a jolly magikarp 31att 31speed. the defenses are 15ish and the hp is 27. offer me</t>
  4. HIgher tier: Farfetch'd Ampharos Gyarados Poliwhirl Girafarig Lower tier: Spinarak Krabby Psyduck Wants: Rare Shiny(s) Willing to trade multiple for one good shiny
  5. Shero

    PC boxes

    As well all know PC boxes suck at the moment as there is no organisation allowed, and the only place a pokemon can go is into the next available slot. I want to be able to put shinies in one box, comps in another, uts in another etc.. this is currently unavailable as well as the fact that the pc box interaction is very slow and there is only 15 pokes allowed per box. Overall i think pc boxes need a clean up and i would love to hear what you think would make them better, discuss.
  6. Re: Shero Shop <t>changed topic and added farms</t>
  7. Shinies GIrafarig, Ampharos, Poliwhirl, Gyarados, Sandshrew, Ursaring, Psyduck, Spinarak, Krabby Wants Shinies Pokedollars
  8. none found as far as i know, but will most likely be a top tier shiny
  9. so far its a jolly gyarados 20att 25spd 25+hp/def/spdef. its currently lvl 92 after sweeping kanto. currently taking offers :) my starter blastoise was pretty good too i traded it for a shiny tentacruel
  10. While the server is still very new, I believe it is important to begin placing value on items and pokemon found in game. This thread could help establish the economy. How it works is very simple, post a pokemon with its full stats and nature and whether or not it is shiny, or else post an item you would like to see discussed. Posters will then discuss how they would value the pokemon or item. I realise it is hard at this moment to decide values when there isn't much money or pokemon for trade in the game, but this thread can at least begin to determine values on certain items/pokemon. In the long term it can become a go-to place for value opinions.
  11. personally i dont mind having a lvl 100 meta but it involves a huge grind when you consider there is going to be every pokemon available. in the other mmo, some players have 300+ comps and thats only from 3 generations. with all generations involved there will of course be hundreds more needed comps and levelling to 100 on each one is asking too much imo.
  12. I agree that people will settle for less but a lot of people won't want to. People hunted for close to perfection in the last catchmmo.
  13. This suggestion is for the introduction of ability capsules at a high price which allow you to choose the ability of your caught pokemon. I think this suggestion is beneficial as 3 variables (ivs/nature/ability) are possibly too much when you consider the sheer amount of pokemon available in this game, as many pokemon will be competitively viable across a range of tiers. They can provide a good money sink too as often pokemon will be good without the correct ability. In the process this suggestion raises the price of good/great pokemon with bad abilities.
  14. First post, i personally agree with everyone against breeding. Catchmmo is more fun and rewarding and it keeps the value of comps high. I would much rather spend hours and hours catching a comp pokemon with good ivs and nature knowing it will be worth something for the duration of the game rather than knowing it would constantly depreciate and require regular upgrades to keep up with the competitive standard. Egg move tutors are all we need.
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