IIRC amount of exp you get depends on tier of discoveries you find. If you get cubone in feral site or onix in mineral you get very little exp compared to getting pawniard/skorupi/etc. But at least for me it's seems like they increased rarity of higher tier discoveries hence progress is slower now..
Re: Ingame BOSS [24/07/2016 - Need Integer screenshot]
<t>Integer's time requirement was lowered since I could fight him today. I've got Bagon and 10k$.</t>
Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres]
<r><QUOTE author="straatlamp"><s> </e></QUOTE>
I've just checked with full 100lvl 255 happiness team and he still didn't want to fight me so it's not max happiness.</r>
Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres]
<t>New boss Integer in Lilycove Museum 2F. But he has some ridiculous requirement. I have 322h in game and he still tells me to that I didn't spend enough time with my pokemon.</t>
I've been mostly lurking on forum, but recently decided to maybe become active member of this community. Well anyway, I'm 21 yo IT student from Poland and I've played PRO for some time already (only 320 hours). Once again, hello all.
Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres]
<t>It's probably just me, but I would prefer to get no pokemon from sgath than to get a gastly. It's just feels wrong to get so common pokemon from boss.</t>