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Misterlau's Achievements



  1. 260k skarm
  2. Re: Shabrina's Shop : Good and Shiny's Pokemon <t>350k blissey</t>
  3. current offer 200k in game
  4. post offer :Shy:
  5. Yukkito add in game for azumarill
  6. Re: Epic Azumarill <t>you have b.o. ill end in 24 hours</t>
  7. Re: Epic Azumarill <r>bump <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  8. Add in game or post here offer. If high enough I sell thank you!
  9. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. (Skarmory 5min left) <t>185k skarmory 1</t>
  10. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: Rares / Decents :: Tons of Pokemons ::.. <t>135k skarmory 1</t>
  11. Re: -DIE 4 FOR ME- REVOLUTIONARIES SHOP (INSTANT SHOP) "RE OPENED JULY 24" <t>offer 400k for ferrothorn</t>
  12. Re: Selling Small Epic Rain team + Other Nice/Epic pokes. <t>200k fletchinder 270k azumarill</t>
  13. Re: Aarathen's Mart (21 Epic PvP Ready 100's) (9 New) <t>delete</t>
  14. ill start with 80k skarmory
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