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  1. Hey @Epithet, the crash was around 13:15 German time. Therefore, it should have been around 12.15 GMT-0. I just took a screenshot and it should reflect the same time considering when the crash happened.
  2. Server crashed around 20 mins ago. Cames made an announcement afterwards, saying that we shouldnt do bosses today. However, I was already at the end of the boss fight and now it counts as a loss and the boss went on cooldown. Is there the possibility that a staff/mod could reset the encounter? I wont be doing any bosses today anymore.
  3. 300k + cc (260k) = 560k for blue toge
  4. cc + 440k = 700k edit: outbid the 600k by 100k according to bidding rules!
  5. Hey guys, I want to buy a "god" Pikachu, aka timid/modest with great IV's. Level doesnt matter since I dont mind doing EV training and training it myself. I am offering up to 2 ms +100k depending on the Pikachu. Kind regards –
  6. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting] <t>Hi my name is Mauri. My IGN is Maurbro. Currently I have 170+ hours gametime. I am from Spain but live in Germany at the moment. I want to join a strong guild with a lot of game knowledge in PvP and PvE to talk about the game. Personally I am more interested in leveling/EV training than in PvP since I dont consider myself good enough yet.<br/> <br/> Kind regards ~</t>
  7. Hi, mein Name ist Mauri und ich würde euch gerne beitreten. Mein IGN ist Mauribro. Zurzeit habe ich ca. 150 Stunden Spielzeit. Mit Kanto und Johto bin ich durch und Ich versuche zur Zeit Teams für die Bosse zu leveln. Zur Zeit möchte ich mich auch PvE spezialisieren und Ich habe auch vor mich auf leveling und IV's und EV's zu konzentieren. Würde mich freuen euch beizutreten und mich mit euch auszutauschen.
  8. Didn't even know that was a bannable reason. Hope you'll get your stuff. :)
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