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Everything posted by Somanightmare

  1. I don't know why the post replaced the link to my imgur album with my pokemon but here it is again one at a time.
  2. Entry for the 2018 Summer Tournament Timezone: GMT-5 (US cst) My Pokemon compiled: [MEDIA=imgur]RtWjMV4[/MEDIA] My trainer card:
  3. bumping every hour until a response is made.
  4. bumping. maybe some day.
  5. I'm returning to the game after a year. I just finished sinnoh and tried to use the transmat system to get around after, and found it not usable at any center. I went to New Mauville to see if I just hadn't done the quest and I was insane, but when I got there all npcs were gone and wattson is sitting in his gym not giving me anything. Is there something I need to do to redo this quest, and if so how do I start it again. I have no idea who to talk to or where to find them. the guard in front of the transmat says to find the site manager for power plant but I don't know who that is.
  6. Still need staff response. I've been bumping this for over a week. I will now start making a multitude of copies of this thread until one gets answered or I get banned. This is obscene how long I've been waiting.
  7. waiting for content staff.
  8. bumping. still need help.
  9. Still need help fixing this.
  10. This is starting to get really upsetting. I've had to waste two weeks of membership with my account in this bugged state. PLEASE can someone help.
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