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About Pinkucchi

  • Birthday 10/04/1998

Personal Information

  • Career
    Still continuing my college degree
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  • Occupation
    Still continuing my college degree

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Pinkucchi's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Byf11 is trusted :) Trusted Guildmate :) :Shy:
  2. 20k murkrow!
  3. Ill take that eevee for 10k
  4. Yes, no problem for me. Squirtle it's ok. 1st Shellder is too low, not for this ivs. :) I'll buy the Squirtle Later at 9:00 GMT+8 I'm in school right now :3
  5. 50k for Squirtle :) 50k for 1st Shellder :)
  6. Accepting Items in bag? Trained level 100 Pokemon and etc?
  7. Re: Volvie9x's Shop - Epic,good ivs 20+ pokemon ( big update 11/7, aero, bagon, lairon,...) <t>Accepting Items? Trained level 100 Epic Poke ?</t>
  8. I want to buy /friend Pinkucchi
  9. I assume you are talking about Steven when he is in Granite Cave. Have you picked up the S-Letter from the Devon building fin Rustboro? You need to give that to Steven in order for him to move. thanks!
  10. PRO Username: Pinkucchi Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? I talked to the person in front of the gym then go to the cave and talked to Steven but it doesn't want to leave so I repeat my actions and I got the same results Description and Message
  11. PRO Username: Pinkucchi Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? I talked to the person in front of the gym then went to the cave and talk to Steven but it doesn't leave so I repeat my actions and do it over again and the same result happen Description and Message PRO Username: Pinkucchi Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? I talked to the person in front of the gym then went to the cave and talk to Steven but it doesn't leave so I repeat my actions and do it over again and the same result happen Need Help please
  12. In what way does the people that already traveled to Hoenn lose if other people get it for free? But I get, thanks! That's the point! That rattata leveling waste us more money and time and do you want us that you guys can travel for free without hardwork ?
  13. So Are you trying to say that get rid of the level 100 rattata requirements because most of the people are in Hoenn now? All of the people that went to Hoenn train a rattata to 100 and almost spend most of money to buy rare candies so when you get rid of that requirements it is unfair for us that train one. Please consider and just train a rattata. :Angel: :Shy: :thanks:
  14. [glow=white] [float=left][/float][float=right][/float][/glow] Message me in game or make an offer below! B.O Starts at 300k or insta buy it for 900k IGN: Pinkucchi
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