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  • Career
    poke ev's wild hunter, trade evo. helper
  • Occupation
    poke ev's wild hunter, trade evo. helper

Konrad's Achievements



  1. buying poochyena for 20k please. i just need dark pokemon for sabrina xD
  2. WTB> zubat 31/30spd. 25+atk WTB> abra / drowzee 30/31 spatk. / 25+spd no decrease.. docile or lax will do. kanto region
  3. Have you tried this pattern?
  4. mind if i join this great guild of yours? :Shy: IGN: Konrad i'm more than willing to help for trade evolution kinda newbie but not to the pokemon world :Smile: plus im willing to give away any extra not needed pokemon i'll post of what will be available :Smile: i hunt many times. and commend those i had transac. with. :D
  5. [glow=red] [/glow]
  6. Beret please.. add it on your game :)
  7. IGN: Konrad non-member yet.. i explore things at the fullest without spending any. then afterwards make things such as guide, for non-mem. and for those who just play to kill some time. you can see me and looking forward for a good deal in the game. advance :thanks: to those who i already made a deal.
  8. Re: yoyo's lvl 50 superfast daycare <t>you daycare pokemon for free from 1-50?? correct me if im wrong..</t>
  9. my IGN: Konrad Who the trade was with: Keizheaa(member) What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon* What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 27, 2015 What was good about the trade(optional): willing to wait for trans. as long as you can reach his way. Who the trade was with: daforce What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item* What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 26, 2015 What was good about the trade(optional): he deal on my price. Who the trade was with: Sirchancelot(member) What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item* What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 27, 2015 What was good about the trade(optional): meet half way and the deal is done. Who the trade was with: Aytunc(member) What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item* What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : oct. 3, 2015 What was good about the trade(optional): deal on my price. Thanks again guys for the deal :thanks:
  10. Hi i would like to enter to this competition so hope you guys will see and like this :Grin: :Shy: Done with his job serving the humanity through military he now pursue the world of pokemon. The traveler attire. "just hanging around" Just a sassy girl running around the grass bare footed. Carefree, living young wild and free.
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