my IGN: Konrad
Who the trade was with: Keizheaa(member)
What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon*
What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 27, 2015
What was good about the trade(optional): willing to wait for trans. as long as you can reach his way.
Who the trade was with: daforce
What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item*
What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 26, 2015
What was good about the trade(optional): he deal on my price.
Who the trade was with: Sirchancelot(member)
What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item*
What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : sept. 27, 2015
What was good about the trade(optional): meet half way and the deal is done.
Who the trade was with: Aytunc(member)
What was traded (you can be say generic stuff like "pokemon with item"): *pokemon with item*
What day the trade took place "Sept 25, 2015" {Please write out the month} : oct. 3, 2015
What was good about the trade(optional): deal on my price.
Thanks again guys for the deal :thanks: