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About Envimea

  • Birthday 06/14/1991

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  1. Can be a throwaway, I mostly just want it for dex. He's one of my favourites :)
  2. Wordd, thank you :)
  3. Here I am with all this money and nowhere to put it. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in a queue for another 30 minutes for the second time today because of a crash. Lord knows I don't want to have to relog again. That said, I had intentions of making a donation today (and I still do, don't get me wrong) and considering that stuff doesn't sync unless I relog... you catch my drift. Is there any intention of bringing Donations out into the open as well? Or perhaps just larger coin package increments that can be purchased in game? Is the moon truly made of cheese? Are we really just living in a holographic universe? If this has been covered before, I apologise, I looked on a couple pages in this thread of topics and didn't see any.
  4. This has happened a few times now, and I can't find another topic with the same issue (I didn't look too hard mind you, forgive me if this has been covered before); Every so often I'll interact with an NPC and, instead of the dialog window appearing, I get a whole lotta nothing. However, my character is still frozen in place as if I am in a dialog menu. I can't move or interact. The game itself isn't frozen, I can still chat and hit the menu buttons and do everything else available to me on screen. Yes, relogging does fix it, but alas, I just spent 45 minutes in the queue, I don't necessarily look forward to having to do that over again. Not even really looking for a fix in all honesty, just unsure if this is a bug others have or if I'm just unlucky.
  5. Ah, I gotchu. Thanks for clearing that up, I was having that issue this morning.
  6. So is it just essentially a queue for the queue? Or is it an actual buggy-esque issue?
  7. Sounds pretty tempting, I might actually take you up on that offer if the politics here in the US get any worse. :p
  8. 1. Houndoom 2. Charizard 3. Joltik 4. Sableye 5. Mew
  9. Hi there. I'm EnviMea, but you can just call me Envi. I'm 25, I live in Florida. It's hot and gross. My favourite Pokemon would have to be Houndoom, always has been since he was released. My two favourite types are fire and dark, so it's fitting. Charizard will always have a special place in my heart though, being my first Pokemon ever. I've been playing Pokemon since it's inception, I began watching the animated series with my neighbour and I was hooked instantly. I played Red version for months straight, and collected LOTS of cards throughout the years (which I sadly sold a long while ago, I regret that now). I think I stopped playing the games for a while sometime after/during 3rd generation, for whatever reason. I picked it all back up a couple years ago after X/Y was released, I was so impressed by the drastic change into the 3D world, and it's safe to say I'm obsessed once again! I played another Pokemon MMO before, but fell out of it shortly after, I'm hoping to make a new home here. I'll be playing on the Red server, so feel free to say hello if you see me!
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