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About Elkdarkshire

  • Birthday 11/08/1990

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  1. interesting, ill get my hands on a design asap :)
  2. Very good! What do you use for this? I've created short games way back in my college days using RPG Maker. Looks very similar :) MS Paint
  3. Testing in Combination with other Tiles, and made a bigger and detailed version of Slowking
  4. Update :) unsure about the ground though, if i should make it as white as the top or having it a little darker as before
  5. So when the server was off, I decided I want to be productive, but I was watching Pokemon Movie 2 The Chosen One, and decided to start working on a Shamouti Shrine :) What do you think so far? Its not finished at all yet Was thinking of having a whole Lugia story quest or something that involved getting all 3 glass artifacts from each other shrine and bring them together Might post more and different things in the future
  6. Shiny Charizard :)
  7. elkaroo? :) i only go by elk, or elk darkshire... sometimes im being called elky though
  8. Welcome! I dont know the specifics, but common sense tells me that it increases your chances when you are very active, helpful and interested (constantly) in this game without any trace of malicious or selfish intentions :p I was told that one would be able to view the open recruitment threads once having reached 3 posts ^^ Enjoy your stay and eventually see you ingame :)
  9. Hello, I'm called Elk, 24 years old guy from Austria that has a high interest in game design, pixelart (art in general), psychology, philosophy, physics, chemistry, linguistics, history, anthropology, and many more you can see some of my work here: deviantArt :Ambivalent: I joined because I thought this game looks cute and worth a try, so far no disappointments :y: Looking very forward to this servers solutions to prevent the boredom of taskless endgame (aside from pure fighting competitions and such) My nick ingame is Elkdarkshire (unfortunately I couldnt choose Elk because of the 4 letter restriction) :thanks: Cya
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