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About Indigodomiii

  • Birthday 08/24/1996

Indigodomiii's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. @thanhdatdtddat5 - sorry, the Server crashed. And u didn't texted me, I thought all went good!
  2. No, I mean by 160k - if u trade a Ms for Coins, your MS is 160k worth! :) For all other, I am online at the moment, if u wanna buy now, add me IG! :)
  3. Hello people, please ONLY leave a comment here, dont spam me per PM or in IG, I will not write back. (I increased the Poke$, because of the increased MS Price in IG) [glow=white]Order for Clothes / EXP Booster / Mounts / Tools (total under 100c) 20c = 70k 25c = 80k 50c = 160k 75c = 230k Order for Coins only 100c = 300k You can also trade MS / Mounts / Items for Coins! Membership = 160k Mount = 60k Leftover = 20k Rare Candy = 13k[/glow] If possible only 100c at one time, because alot of people wanna buy and I also have a limit amount to sell. If you are happy with my auction, please leave a comment. PS: Money first, I have to order the coins from PayPal, after I give u the GO, u have to relog! _______________________________________________________________ If you need a Synch (Kadabra / Natu / Xatu), leave a comment with the nature and which one you want! ~all Kanto Kadabra (with Role Play) - 30k Xatu - 20k Natu - 12k _______________________________________________________________ PVP ready: -soon- PVP (not trained): -soon- Greez. Indigo :thanks:
  4. I still sell coins, but please wait a little bit. PM me IG guys! :)
  5. Hello everyone, I want to sell this Gallade. Start Price= 600k Instant= 1600k Ende= if the right offer go in, or instant buy. Thanks :thanks:
  6. Hey man, I'm sorry to say that, but atm I don't play on red, if I'll do anytime, I'll let u know :)
  7. sure bro, just pm me IG! :)
  8. Hello PRO users, I am looking for a Pikachu, any nature / any stats / any evs. It need to be Level 100, or 85 - 100, something in this range. Also write the price to the picture, or PM me after posting the picture. Indigo~
  9. Hello @taanhdung95, only possible way ~ 100c / 200c / 300c ... I can't order less than 100c, so u have to order 100c or 200c. Or look on my first post - there would be another way. Thank u!
  10. Re: Coins!!! <t>~Bump~</t>
  11. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Lorelei gave me a Shellder, which is not in the Rewardlist!</t>
  12. Re: WTB adamant dratini hidden ability good iv's low level <t>How much u wanna pay for it? <br/> <br/> I have one, but Level 100 ..</t>
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