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  1. this morning i ran into my pc and doble click the game icon, after aprox 10 seconds nothing happend so i click like crazy the icon and after 30 more seconds program shows up, but something happend 4 game windows are oppened instead of just 1, so i play on 3 of the windows of curse each on diferent acc , but then in my guild they say me pro members bans multi acc so, im at risk of ban to playing with 4 simultaniusly accs? if thats why? thx for ur time and i wait for an awnser
  2. hi im purchase a joystick to play the game with it, when config allright but i notice there no map keys to movement, i log in and puth hands on joystick but my character dont stop to walk right so with the joystick i can only walk right no imputs work with joystick its there any help to fix that?
  3. i continue with 105k
  4. absol shiny stone feral site
  5. hello i m looking for a solution and the problem is: when u move between maps (somethimes) the game stucks and you cant move u still loging u canwrithe on pm and game chats but u never be allowed to move again no matter what u does and the solution every 1 give me and works its just shut down client and relogging , i do that every day but i want a real solution cuz its no problem logging and reenter when u have no wait time , but when the queue is higher then 500 relogging is a pain for something that is a bug thank you very much
  6. i wal up in rustboro city and instant chang me to top of rute 115 i cant move i have to use scape rope
  7. we really need moderators on other lenguages i play on blue server and the channel other most used on spanish ppl sometimes it's out of control, i seen guys fighthing and posting they have better pokes then others , saying bad words, when guy writte on english, they insult them , i already ask to moderators ingame and all says there's no mods of others lenguajes just english , well thats my suggestion thx
  8. hello its the 3 time it happends, when i send and poke great ultra ball to poke and he is ready to catch a message appear that says you cant catch more pokemons ur pc is full it happends on mineral site and 2 times in hunted site (excavation),my pc is on slot 60 /67
  9. npcs atack me in route 25 they have pokemons lvl 1 and green msg says we have to defeat higher lvl pokemons to get exp
  10. murkrow hunted site shiny stone 4 am poketime
  11. we miss the pokemons of valley
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