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About Mirageshot

  • Birthday 09/23/1999

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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <r>boss wargreymon was changed his team <br/> Luxray Lucario M.Altaria Aggron Ninetaes Sceptile(new)<br/> <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  2. wts this h.a Talonflame insta 1m bo: 500k
  3. PRO Username: Mirageshot Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? Like the tile, has this been changed from normal? In regular pokemon it reduces your EVs to 100 if they're over 100. My Parasect is 153 evs at Spatk but when i use berry, it just down to 143, not 100 as regularly. This is new change or i wrong something ? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Not really Description and Message
  4. PRO Username: Mirageshot Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? yeah i just done trained gardevoir too lv100 but why she cant learn moonblast in re-learn moves board ? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Nothing Description and Message
  5. why did electrode have moonblast ??? yesterday is the first time i battle arnie i prepare a lot for this challenge so i use dragonite at first to use dragon dance but wtf ?? electrode use moonblast instead of mirror coat pl give me some advice :(( :Angry: :Angry:
  6. sr i cmt srong server..
  7. Re: Nechrit's Lair (Updated 6 june) sick Umbreon! <t>alakazam 200k<br/> chinchou 50k</t>
  8. 300 dusknoir
  9. Mirageshot


    i just caught a really epic bold prankster sableye :)) but i dont know which evs to train and the best moveset for this pkm on PRO pl give me some advices :Shy: :Shy: :Shy:
  10. Re: Tymerods Lvl 100 Pokemons <t>vilplume 30k</t>
  11. Re: Nyulancer's Shop - Only Epic / Rare / Cool PKM Here ( Opening ) <t>umbreon 150k</t>
  12. Mirageshot


    what is different between ev def(spdef) and hp ? and if i train duskull and umbreon which evs i need to train ?
  13. if u are in blue server pm ingame name Mirageshot
  14. Re: ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) SevenL's Relics ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) <t>scizor 200k</t>
  15. Re: Kanmuru's Noobie Shop <t>scizor 200k</t>
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