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  1. Re: $2,000,000 PokeDollar Give-Away for 1st PRO X-MAS! <t>Merry Christmas Pro 20 - botnik</t>
  2. LOL DotA2 is original? The DotA2 owners SAY they're the original DotA creators, just as the LoL creators do. But, the fact that LoL came about 2~3 years before DotA2 means that the originality of a sole-engine moba game was originally Riot Games' idea. The only 'more similar' thing that DotA2 has to do with DotA (over LoL, and expect the name) is the imbalance, that whoever reaches lv6 first wins. nuff said!
  3. 210k XD
  4. Re: Rare Hunter's Shop Bou! Pokemon ..Update 2 <t>200k on s.arcanine</t>
  5. done watching clashcon live and still can't connect? lmao
  6. not yet fixed sitting in front of laptop straight 1 whole hour clicking the log in and still can't connect? happen sometimes? no it happen alot since the new v91 was release. "frustrated"
  7. happen the day before yesterday its like a game of luck when i'll knowing you'be connected or not :Cry: since version v91 and v91_2 maybe client bug?
  8. same problem i was playing a while a go then now can't connect to the server.
  9. PRO is now a game of luck. who will be lucky player to play, i have laptop and pc . got download the latest update of client windows v91 but suddenly when i open the application on both laptop and desktop got different application i dont know how to post pic here but both cannot connect the server as well
  10. Sounds like something is blocking the Download? re-downloading again and same thing happen when open checking new version "failed" downloading maps "also failed" then can't connect to the server. :Bored:
  11. i download the windows v91 @keisatsuliam got same problem did you check whenever you open the application there is " checking new version" mine failed then after "maps download" also failed to me. then loading ..
  12. same problem to me cant log in. cant connect to server. i did try the new version v91 when i open the app "checking new version failed" and "downloading maps failed" too.
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