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About Iagomasterpro20

  • Birthday 08/27/2002

Iagomasterpro20's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. There are people who break the rules even though they know it's wrong, and I wish they had an automatic kick, for example: Sleep Clause, Delaying to use a move (3 warnings) among others. I hope you understand my suggestion and approve of it. :Smile: :y:
  2. Snow Snorlax Xmas !!! Please :Heart:
  3. #ms500k!!! aproved !!!
  4. Nice Sugestion ! :Smile: :y:
  5. Re: Gardevoir without Wish the move relearner. <r>Thanks Friend !!!! It worked ! Thank you for the patience ! <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  6. Re: Gardevoir without Wish the move relearner. <t>Not solved ;(</t>
  7. Ralts and Kirlia don't lern wish move, but gardevoir does, but i can't relearn this move at NPC move relearn, can you fix it? I'm sorry for all the writing error, I am using google translator :Angry: :Cry:
  8. In Moon players we pay 15k to go, and it is difficult when the auction party and the people want to see the other pokemon that is in the box or even to keep that thought. In Poketower already has a Joy, what you would have also a box? if it had more time to facilitate hunting, and so would not need to leave the place where you are. I hope you understand my suggestion ... I'm sorry for any error in writing, I'm using google translator :Crazy: :thanks:
  9. Nickname: IagoMasterPro20 Server : Red I wanted to have a reason to win this mouse xD It seems to be very good in the settings. GOOD LUCK FOR ALL ! :Smile: :Angel: :Crazy:
  10. Dimitri , I would like more rock crystals to smash as 3 or 5 days to a few crystals is not quite right. :/ I hope you understand my side or at least read my post ^^
  11. kkkkkk não estrague meu negócio e.e
  12. GO :Exclam: :Crazy:
  13. Closed :etc: :Sleeping:
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