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Everything posted by Evilsnake

  1. i'm in. expect lvl 20 pokemons :)
  2. I don't have the screenshot, but I will tell you each there level and How I did it. My Pokemon 1- marowak lvl 100 2- rattata lvl47 (to 48) 3. Zubat lvl42 (to 43) 4. Clefairy lvl 52 (to 53) (i didn't realize it wouldn't evolve at that time.) 5. Phanphy lvl 47 (to 48) 6. Slowpoke lvl 47 (to 48)(this one evolved) i went to wild and then wild fearow appeared. i falseswiped it with marowak. after that switched to rattata and zubat and so on. with slowpoke, and slowpoke attacked fearow with psychic and everyone levelled up. but only slowpoke evolved.
  3. so i used a tactics of using high level unevolved poke just caught from the wild which have 0 exp to get next level, to increase my evolve count, i sent them all in one battle and leveled them but only one evolved :\ the one that evolved was the pokemon in the last slot.
  4. Right now, we have 50% chance to get the synchronised nature wild pokemon. I am thinking that we should also have a sync for IV too. Since so many useful pokemon are rare or super rare, need h.a., and need good IVs, it's a very long grind than i think is good for game. if it is possible, look into it. My idea for calculation of prob, that IV gets synced too: 50% chance to get synchronised nature. IF it is a synchronised nature wild. then there is around 20% chance to get similar IV. If it's not a synchronised nature, then IV is random as usual. Of course those chance can be decreased to make it balanced.
  5. Evilsnake here. I am not new to PRO, i already have 190+ hours in-game, and i regularly visit forums, but never posted anything. This post is more like me unlocking PM, than introduction, but hey what wrong could it go if i try to make this a little bit fun :D So, I am from Nepal(+5:45 GMT), and I am playing on BLUE server. (If anybody is here from Nepal, be sure to add me in discord, its evilsnake in discord too.)(others are also welcome to add me :Cool: ) In 1 week I will be free. :Grin: ( I waited 12 years for it. In High School ) I don't have much else to say. I started playing pokemon around 10 years back. started from Sapphire, and have played all gen-1,2,3 games except for gold, and blue and haven't completed gen 4,5 and haven't started 6th gen at all.(Except for mainstream games, i have played pokepinball, and one tetris-like pokemon game that i forgot the name of.) Also, I am playing Hacked/Fan Games for Pokemon. I also play other games, like CS:GO, Need For Speed, and every other Lan game that I can find of. So, I think this is it, I am pretty sure there are many things I left out, but my mind is one of the most laziest that can be found on the planet, so it just doesn't bother to remember things to write, and it's constantly ordering my hand to just stop writing because it's making him think :D So enjoy, and instead of Gotta Catch em all, I go with the phrase, Gotta Faint em all. :D PS: If you want Mega-Seviper to happen, then we are already Friends. MEGA-SEVIPER ALL THE WAY. ALL HAIL MEGA-SEVIPER.
  6. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>Blue Server<br/> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> Right now, 120 hours of gameplay<br/> <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> Right now, i am at last month of high school. have been playing pokemon for last 7-8 years.<br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Yes.<br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> Yes. I will try to be online till 20th June. But after that I will be online Regularly.<br/> <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> I look for friends to chat with while playing and those who can guide me. also hanging out when too lazy to do stuffs :D<br/> <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> I am normally a PvE but I am trying to get into PvP too.</t>
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