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Everything posted by Morgannor

  1. Hello! I want to Buy an Epic Poochyena or Mightyena with one of the Following Combinations: Requirement 1: Nature + Ability 1) Adamant Nature with Intimidate Ability ** Note: This Ability is called Run Away on Poochyena 2) Jolly Nature with Quick Feet Ability 3) Adamant Nature with Moxie Ability ** Note: This Ability is called Rattled on Poochyena and is its Hidden Ability Requirement 2: IV Attack: 28+ Defence: 20+ Speed: 28+ Special Attack: 1+ Special Defence: 20+ HP: 24+ Requirement 3: level and EV Neither level or EV Matter. Important Notes: - I am keeping Money aside for this Pokémon, but keep in Mind I will only Buy 1. Should I get More than 1 offer, I will accept only the Best. - My IGN for Contact is: Morgannor. Please leave Your IGN if You Have an Offer for Me. Thank You.
  2. Hello. My Friend Recently created a Guild with the Name Monadikos. However, the server went Down shortly after and there was a little Rollback. Unfortunately the Guild was Created Right in this Time window of Rollback. The Problem is we cannot Recreate the Guild with the Nickname "Monadikos" again. We get a Message that the Guild Name is already in Existance. We would very Much like to be Able to Create the Guild once More with that very same Nickname. Could You please look into this? Kind Regards
  3. Hey SCaydi! looks like we are Good to Go! Add Me Friend in Game when You get the Chance please! :3
  4. I am Getting used a bit to using the Forum now. I Changed My Avatar and Updated My Profile and I'm Starting to like it. I Have also just Made a Signature Myself, as You can See. It's not Much because (unlike most of You) I am not Good with PhotoShop or anything like it. I just Made My Signature in Paint. I am Really Happy with it though, for Me it's More important that I Made the Signature Myself Rather than it having a Professional look. After all, 'Signature' refers to Something Personal. @SCaydi : I'm also Posting to Actually ask if there is a Standard Guild logo or Motto I could add to My Signature or can I Write Something Myself about the Guild? I would like to Have something in My Signature to Represent that I am a Member of Monadikos, with Your Permission.
  5. My Favourite Pokémon is Persian Simply because of its Grace, Style and Beauty. The way Persian Moves just Radiates Superiority. Such Class. *o* Persian is not Really Considered to be a Strong Pokémon, but I love to Battle with it Nevertheless! Fun Fact: I don't like Meowth at all! (Except for it being able to Evolve into Persian of course XD)
  6. Persian is My Favourite Pokémon Quite Simply because of its Grace, Style and Beauty. The way it Moves just Radiates Superiority. Such Class. *o* It is not Considered a Really Strong Pokémon, but I love to Battle with it Nevertheless. I like to 'Steal' a Win by Surprises like Critical Hits and Making the Opponent Flinch.
  7. Hello there, SCaydi! I Spoke to You earlier in the Game. So, as said, I would love to Join Your Guild once the Game is Released. About Me: IGN: Morgannor Gender: Male Age: 24 Location: Belgium Favourite Pokémon: Persian I just Updated My Profile to Show this too. If You Have any Further Questions You can Feel Free to ask Me. I am not that used to using Forums though, as You can See this is My First Post, but I Plan on Being Online in the Game a lot, so I Hope we can Chat there Soon!
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