Text Inglish
You mean I get playing about 60 hours almost exclusive to try to complete the 120 were useless because it has a "hidden Quest". And ningem may know that quest and this hidden ... Really?
This discouraged anyone from playing, was totally unnecessary to put an addition to the hidden quest.
So I think this ridiculous this quest.
Texto em PortuguĂȘs
Quer dizer que eu ficar jogando cerca de 60 horas exclusivas quase pra tentar completa os 120 foram inĂșteis pois tem uma "Quest escondida". E ningem pode saber que quest e esta escondida... Serio?
Isso desanime qualquer pessoa de jogar, foi totalmente desnecessario colocar um complemento da quest escondido.
So acho que esta ridiculo essa quest.
Obs. :I put in both languages so that everyone can understand the situation. Not only I but a big part of my friends and angry community with a lying quest.