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Everything posted by Momol900

  1. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[3H Left] <t>I close the auction, the winner is BrianYang at 550k! well done everybody.</t>
  2. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[3H Left] <t>New offer 550k from BrianYang</t>
  3. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>I update right now, 500k from Leevian</t>
  4. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>Updated 450k to BrianYang</t>
  5. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>Updated 400k from Otherrr!</t>
  6. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <r>New offer <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/C4nnKK5.png"><s></e></IMG>, 350k from Nhatminh832</r>
  7. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>300k from Kingpin19 is the best offer for now!</t>
  8. Re: WTS Epic Clefable bold, Magic guard. PVP READY[1 day] <t>I edit the post for the insta(I dont really like insta price xD) and since you start, the auction end tomorrow at 7:30pm(Forum time)</t>
  9. Hello, Starting at 250k 24 hours bidding Minimum bid is 50k C.O. is 550k from BrianYang Insta 800k
  10. Ability : Synchronize Nature : Calm With good or epic Iv pm me with a screen
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