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Posts posted by Nzgamer20

  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [bLUE SERVER] Recruiting!


    <t>1)Nzgamer20, Over 300 hours gameplay<br/>

    2)Saxio bullied me into joining it was actually really tramatizing, she threatened my life and everything<br/>

    3) I have 24 badges on blue server<br/>

    4)I do use discord <br/>

    5)My friend told me about pro and i thought a pokemon game online shut up and take my money... then he told me it was free<br/>

    6)I am all the requirements and more<br/>

    7) saxio told me there were crazy people here........ I like crazy. Also im friendly talkative and extremely extremely amazing<br/>


    And this is why you should pick me for pro's next top model.. i mean wings of fate guild</t>

  2. i think its a great idea the amount of people who ask how to check happiness or how to friend etc in help chat gets tiring it would be much faster if there was a command that just listed all the other commands... i dont even know all of pros commands.

  3. A guild can bring your group of friends together better and introduce you to new people as the guild continues, if you wish you can hold little guild tournaments and other things you just need to sort out some sort of system, each guild is different but it essentially serves as a "meeting place" for you and your friends to chat and hang out. also the guild chat is not monitored so you can do what you want (it is still censored). also like he mentioned you and your friends can all bring your knowledge of the game together to help each other out. lastly there is that really cool icon you get to make to show you are apart of a guild :P

  4. This is very true, the staff dont get enough credit for the work they do they are doing this in their own time after all. Thank you to all the staff that has been putting so much work into this game and its players. #HoennHype :P

  5. i just do what i think might be fun, for example right now i'm building a team revolved around "underdogs" pokemon that nobody uses in pvp because they generally have bad stats or there are just other pokemon that are much better for that role. :P

  6. i think my first real anime (besides pokemon, yu-gi-oh etc) is mirai nikki or the future dairy. it was basically the show that made me look into other anime and has an impression on me to this day. Also yuna is one crazy psychopathic girl 0_0.

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