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  1. @rubayet Although I have no idea what "Uep in my pc some time hang bro" is supposed to mean, I applaud your attempt at using the internet. @PreHax Although I appreciate your attempt to APPEAR helpful, it seems that you were more focused on APPEARING helpful than actually reading my post. Read these two quotes:
  2. Welcome to this great community!
  3. Hello and welcome to the community!
  4. Hello there. I'm really upset right now. I made a Pokemon hold the rare leftovers that I managed to find, but then I released the Pokemon while it was holding it, thinking the leftovers would be returned to my bag like they are in the gameboy games but they were not. Leftovers are, in my opinion, essential to the game. They are very important especially considering the exp. rates in PRO are less than they are in the gameboy games. Would it be possible for a staff member to somehow add the leftovers back to my account?
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