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Posts posted by Taganimationz

  1. I havent seen it yet, but hopfully I do. But just to be clear, I mean the effect that happens like when getting frozen,stunned,sleep,etc then theres being confused.


    Which I havent seen yet, but it may only be because Im still fairly new to the server. But still, Ive been in loads of battles with the move confusion, and never once seeing " Poxemon X has been confused, Pokemon X hurt itself" kind of string like in the pokemon games (hopefully that explains better)

  2. UPDATE--


    For trainers, I think you guys are right. But I think not being able to fight a trainer again defeats the purpose of the younger game starters.


    To me, I think that AS LONG AS you havent killed the trainer's first pokemon, you should be able to redo a battle with them, in cases where you black out.


    This solves being able to rebattle, in a way that isnt exp abusive.




    I also agree with the notion tht being able to switch pokemon when a trainer uses another pokemon would be good to see.



    And in reply to the move Confusion, I didnt mean the move, I meant the side effect "confused". I havent seen any "Pokemon is confused" animation or implementation so far.


    Lastly is the accuracy a moves stats.

    I think even though they can be seen after clicking on your pokemon and looking at the moves.


    I think itd be nice to have that also hover-able over moves In-Battle

  3. Hello All,


    I literally just started PR just the other day, and these are my first impressions and thoughts for the future updates to come.


    For Battle:


    - More attack animations/graphics, very obvious this will happen with time, but its best I still had this here


    - Reworked capturing animation/ better code (I noticed that if you have 5 pokemon in your party, you will know if you caught the pokemon even before the pokemon is actually caught, or not)


    - A scaleable battle screen. For me personally, id like if it were a tad bit larger without scaling my entire GUI.


    - After a pokemon dies,I think that they should drop down into nothingness, like in the originals (death animation + death sound effects)


    - More trainers in the beginning. People who have squirtle or bulbasaur starters wont really understand how hard Brock is when all of your pokemon are under lvl14 with a fire starter. I beat him with a Snubble Lvl.10 +Mankey Lvl.11 + Poliwag. Lvl.9, but I was really grinding hard without help from the internet showing me that these pokemon would help.


    - EXP bar. I also noticed this scales RIGHT after you select an attack rather than after the attack. It would be nice to see it more delayed like in the originals.


    - Poison. I dont know if this should be a feature, but I thought itd be worth mentioning that having a poisoned feature, where if a pokemon in your party is poisoned, with every few steps their health goes down,etc. For some reason I feel like that should be in.


    - Confusion?? Does confusion not cause confusion? Hopefully that is on the way, because thatd be sad if that wasnt implemented, or maybe I havent used my butterfree enough to see it? idk.


    - Seeing the accuracy of an attack. Im pretty sure this was a thing in the old games, but I forget. It was like knowing how to play your attacks and which might have a lesser or more chance of sticking.


    - Controls. Very minor but still annoying. Theres a slight delay with the controls. If I hold W, and walk forward and then switch to D, it takes a sec for the mechanics of the game to switch, its a very small delay, but noticeable. And also, not being able to keep walking even through entering and exiting buildings.


    - Duo Battles and Spectating would be cool, ive seen that suggested in a few posts.


    - Economy, Maybe. Im too young into this game to know if the economy is balanced for beginning players, but to me, it doesnt seem like it.


    - Also, I think having a better 'Blacked out' animation sequence would be cool, like where things gray out or fade to black and then you re-spawn at the Pokecenter



    EDIT - 4/13/2016


    Being able to see LEARNED MOVES once you learn them, not just in chat.


    Being able to not always have to click on the dialogue box, itd be cool to click anywhere to forward the text, and maybe even hold left click to speed it up more. or to simply have the option to may clicking to the "F" key, like most MMO'sd



    I think thats it, If I find anything else Ill post it here.


    These are just suggestions, feel free to give me thoughts, but you dont need to be super critical, lol.


    Thanks, and amazing job to the Team who put this project together. Such an amazing concept for PK fans, especially ones who want to relive the way the OLD PK GEN Games (up to emerald) were.

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