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About Frehos

  • Birthday June 1

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  1. Hi guys im new to this game and was wondering what the recommended pokemon to catch and level up is? i just beat Brock and am on my way to Misty. I dont want a pokemon for Misty specifically, but more ones who are usefull and can help out towards end game. Any Suggestion =]
  2. PRO Username: Frehos Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue? : Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing It has been this way since download What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried reinstalling twice and running in administrator mode. Nothing has worked so far. Description and Message So everytime I launch thegame I get to play for about 5-10 minutes until I get the "Program is not responding" message. it happens evry single time. IS there anything I can do to prevent this. I have reinstalled the game twice and also I run in it admin and that does not work either.... I just want my venausar.
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