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Kayako21 last won the day on March 27 2019

Kayako21 had the most liked content!

Kayako21's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. If u believe its expensive then dont buy.Dont write useless comments in other's posts.
  2. In-Game Name: Kayako21 Discord Tag: kayako21#6658 Server: Silver How ofter do you use Discord?: Everday What is one suggestion you have for PRO discord?: Maybe an auction house
  3. Don't write at my post if it isnt necessary plz.U can thank a moderator by personal message instead of here.
  4. whatever i remove the current offer and i will keep the post as it is without deadline.
  5. So i want to make clear whats the best offer i have with screenshots so ppl will offer more than this..I cant understand why people are confused about that.I dont want to make an auction and people w8 the last second to snipe me like in every sale.If its illegal i will close my post and i will keep selling it in game.
  6. No maybe i will sell it less than insta price but i want to think about it..maybe i will accept deadlock's offer.Still dont know.The difference is that if someone offer me the insta price he will take it for sure.I have the right to reject or accept the offers lower than the setted insta price.
  7. WTS SHINY TALON I CAN ACCEPT AN OFFER WHENEVER I WANT THERE IS NO AUCTION INSTA PRICE 20M OFFERS LOWER THAN 15M ARE REJECTED INSTANTLY If u are interested a ,leave a comment with ur offer below or pm me in game. I will think about ur offers and i will decide if i will accept or not (I prefer cash instead of shinys or cc) coin capsule = 280k u can add at ur offer max 5 coin capsules
  8. insta price setted 2m
  9. u can make ur offer around 2m ofc and i will think about it..there is not a starting price..otherwise u can pm me in game and we can discuss
  10. Re: excadrill+ goodra + talon h.a.epics <r><QUOTE author="conan761311" post_id="391087" time="1496024727" user_id="553239"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry Kayako21, maybe we have different timezone<br/> Good luck bro <e> </e></QUOTE> dude just get online one decent hour im online the whole day dude</r>
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